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2021/06/22 11:34:28人浏览



常学义:博士,太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐助理研究员。主持和参与国家级、省厅级等科研项目4项,近五年发表SCI收录论文20, 获授权专利14项。主要从事功能高分子、纳米材料、绿色储能、超级电容器等方面的研究工作,相应的研究成果已发表在MacromoleculesLangmuirSoft Matter ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等国际知名学术期刊上。












1. 广东省高性能与功能高分子材料重点实验室开放基金项目,20190013, 基于二茂铁基嵌段共聚物的超分子自组装, 2019/06-2020/05, 2万元, 主持

2. 太阳成集团博士科研启动基金项目,ZJ20180528,二茂铁改性聚氨酯的合成及其电化学行为,2018/07-2020/062万元,主持。

3. 广东省高等教育高校创新强校工程-青年创新人才项目,2016KQNCX167,二茂铁基疏水改性聚氨酯增稠剂的合成及其可控流变行为,2017/01-2018/1210万元,主持。

4 华南理工大学中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目,2015ZM172,刺激响应型疏水改性聚氨酯的制备及其可控流变行为,2015/07-2017/0610万元,主持。

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21274047,聚电解质-二茂铁表面活性剂的电化学可控自组装与电化学可控释放体系的构建,2013/01-2016/1280万元,参加。


1. Xueyi Chang, Yongfu Qiu*, Zhiyu Cheng*, Lifeng Cui. Effect of surface amphiphilic property of azobenzene self-assembled electrode materials on properties of supercapacitors [J]. Ionics, 2020, 26(1): 523-529

2. Zhiyu Cheng, Chongqing Li, Yongfu Qiu*, Xueyi Chang*, Guiping Tan, Biye Ren. Synthesis of redox-active dendronized poly(ferrocenylsilane) and application as high-performance supercapacitors. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2017, 852:43-47

3. Zhiyu Cheng, Lirong Cai, Yongfu Qiu*, Xueyi Chang*, Hongbo Fan, Biye Ren. Effect of topology structure on the electrochemical behavior of hydrogen-bonded self-assembled Poly(4-vinylpyridine)-ferrocenyl dendron complexes. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2017, 846:223-229.

4. Xueyi Chang, Zhukang Du, Feiyan Hu, Zhiyu Cheng, Biye Ren*, Shiyu Fu, Zhen Tong. Ferrocene-Functionalized Hydrophobically Modified Ethoxylated Urethane: Redox-Responsive Controlled Self-Assembly and Rheological Behavior in Aqueous Solution. Langmuir, 2016, 32(46): 12137-12145.

5. Xueyi Chang, Zhiyu Cheng, Biye Ren*, Renfeng Dong, Jun Peng, Shiyu Fu, Zhen Tong. Voltage-responsive reversible self-assembly and controlled drug release of ferrocene-containing polymeric superamphiphiles. Soft Matter, 2015, 11(38): 7494-7501.

6. Yongfu QiuXiaoting Wang, Huizhen Huang, Zhiyu Cheng *, Xueyi Chang, Lin Guo, Ferrocenyl-functionalized carbon nanotubes with greatly improved surface reactivity for enhancing electrocapacitance Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2019, 880: 349-354.

7. Tao Guan, Zhukang Du, Xueyi Chang, Dongli Zhao, Shurui Yang, Ning Sun, Biye Ren*. A reactive hydrophobically modified ethoxylated urethane (HEUR) associative polymer bearing benzophenone terminal groups: Synthesis, thickening and photo-initiating reactivity [J]. Polymer, 2019, 178(121552).

8. Zhiyu Cheng, Yongfu Qiu*, Guiping Tan, Xueyi Chang, Qun Luo, Lifeng Cui*. Synthesis of a Novel Mn(II)-porphyrins polycondensation polymer and its application as pseudo-capacitor electrode material [J]. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2019, 900(120940).

9. Yongfu Qiu, Hongbo Fan*, Xueyi Chang, Haifeng Dang, Qun Luo, Zhiyu Cheng*. Novel ultrathin Bi2O3 nanowires for supercapacitor electrode materials with high performance . Applied Surface Science, 2018, 434:16-20.

10. Zhukang Du, Feng Wang, Xueyi Chang, Jun Peng, Biye Ren*. Influence of substituted structure of Percec-type mini-dendritic end groups on aggregation and rheology of hydrophobically modified ethoxylated urethanes (HEURs) in aqueous solution. Polymer, 2018, 135:131-141.

11. Zhukang Du, Kang Ke, Xueyi Chang, Renfeng Dong*, Biye Ren*. Controlled Self-Assembly of Multiple-Responsive Superamphiphilc Polymers Based on Host-Guest Inclusions of a Modified PEG with beta-Cyclodextrin. Langmuir, 2018, 34(19): 5606-5614.

12. Zhiyu Cheng, Xueyi Chang, Yongfu Qiu*, Guiping Tan, Faliang Cheng, Hongbo Fan, Biye Ren** Redox-controlled reversible micelles transition and lyotropic liquid-crystalline behavior of novel polymerizable ferrocenyl surfactants Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2018, 869:81-87.

13. Zhukang Du, Biye Ren*, Xueyi Chang, Renfeng Dong, Zhen Tong. An End-Bifunctionalized Hydrophobically Modified Ethoxylated Urethane Model Polymer: Multiple Stimuli-Responsive Aggregation and Rheology in Aqueous Solution. Macromolecules, 2017, 50(4): 1688-1699.

14. Renfeng Dong, Jun Peng, Xueyi Chang, Qilu Zhang, Liangzhi Hong, Biye Ren*. Rheology of a spiropyran functionalized hydrophobically modified ethoxylated urethane in aqueous solution. Journal of Rheology, 2017, 61(1): 107-116.

15. Qun Luo, Pingru Xu,* Yongfu Qiu*, Zhiyu Cheng, Xueyi Chang, Hongbo Fan, “Synthesis of ZnO tetrapods for high-performance supercapacitor applications” Materials Letters, 2017, 198:192-195.

16. Kang Ke, Zhukang Du, Xueyi Chang, Biye Ren. A dual stimuli-responsive amphiphilic polymer: reversible self-assembly and rate-controlled drug release. Colloid Polym Sci, 2017, 295(10): 1851-1861.

17. Zhukang Du, Biye Ren*, Xueyi Chang, Renfeng Dong, Jun Peng, Zhen Tong. Aggregation and Rheology of an Azobenzene Functionalized Hydrophobically Modified Ethoxylated Urethane in Aqueous Solution. Macromolecules, 2016, 49(13): 4978-4988.

18. Feng Wang, Jun Peng, Renfeng Dong, Xueyi Chang, Biye Ren*, Zhen Tong. Highly efficient hydrophobically modified ethoxylated urethanes (HEURs) end-functionalized by two-tail dendritic hydrophobes: Synthesis, solution rheological behavior and thickening in latex. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem Eng Aspects, 2016, 502:114-120.

19. Zhiyu Cheng, Pingru Xu, Bing Guo, Yongfu Qiu*, Hongbo Fan, Xueyi Chang, Biye Ren. Synthesis and characterization of a novel ferrocenyl- terminated percec-type dendron and application for redox batteries. Ionics, 2015, 21(5): 1489-94.

20. Qilu Zhang, Renfeng Dong, Xueyi Chang, Biye Ren*, Zhen Tong. Spiropyran-Decorated SiO2-Pt Janus Micromotor: Preparation and Light -Induced Dynamic Self-Assembly and Disassembly. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7(44):24585-24591.


1. 邱永福;程志毓;徐平如;常学义;范洪波,“一种氧化还原响应型溶致液晶材料”,专利号:ZL201610882333.0,发明专利,授权公告日20181204日,中国。

2. 邱永福;程志毓;徐平如;常学义;范洪波,“一种三嵌段共聚物以及其调控方法”,专利号:ZL201610868966.6,发明专利,授权公告日20181211日,中国。

3. 邱永福;程志毓;徐平如;常学义;范洪波,“一种含二茂铁基两亲性三嵌段共聚物及其检测、制备方法”,专利号:ZL201610881362.5,发明专利,授权公告日20190301日,中国。

4 邱永福;程志毓;徐平如;常学义;范洪波,“一种可光交联型二茂铁基表面活性剂胶束的调控方法”,专利号:ZL201610878980.4,发明专利,授权公告日20190402日,中国。

5. 范洪波;邱永福;程志毓;常学义,“一种二茂铁基超级电容器”,专利号:ZL201710878755.5,发明专利,授权公告日20190402日,中国。

6邱永福;程志毓;徐平如;常学义;范洪波,“一种氧化还原响应型嵌段共聚物囊泡及其制备方法”,专利号:ZL201610874045.0,授权公告日20190430日;申请日2016930日;申请号:201610874045 .0;申请公布日: 2017-05-10;授权公告号:CN 106632919 B

7、范洪波;邱永福;程志毓;常学义“一种二茂铁基碳纳米管及其制备方法”专利号:ZL201710878768.2,授权公告日20190621日;申请日2017926日;申请号:201710878768.2;申请公布日: 2018-01-16;授权公告号:CN107585752 B

8、邱永福;常学义;程志毓;范洪波; “一种高强度高硼含量无氢中子屏蔽材料及其制备方法”专利号(授权号)ZL201810051927.6,授权公告日20190618日;申请日2018119日;申请号:201810051927.6;申请公布日: 2018-07-06;授权公告号:CN 108257702 B

9、邱永福;范洪波;程志毓;常学义;牛军峰 “一种二茂铁基三嵌段共聚物及应用与二茂铁基赝电容器”专利号(授权号)ZL201710704695.5,授权公告日20190702日;申请日2017817日;申请号:201710704695.5;申请公布日 2017-12-15;授权公告号:CN 107474200 B

10、邱永福;程志毓;常学义;范洪波;牛军峰 “二茂铁基两亲性嵌段共聚物、超级电容器与制备方法”专利号(授权号)ZL201711061374.4,授权公告日20190906日;申请日20171102日;申请号:201711061374.4;申请公布日 2018-01-30;授权公告号:CN 107641182 B

11、程志毓;邱永福;常学义;范洪波“一种柔性低氢中子屏蔽材料及其制备方法”专利号(授权号)ZL 201810051929 .5,授权公告日20200821日;权公告号:CN 108250557 B

12程志毓;邱永福;常学义;范洪波;刘远全“基于四对羟基苯基锰卟啉-邻苯二甲酸酯的超级电容器”专利号(授权号)ZL 201811607478 .5,授权公告日20200908日;授权公告号:CN 109712822 B

13邱永福;陈浩鹏;程志毓;常学义 “二茂铁基封端型聚氨酯、超级电容器与制备方法”专利号(授权号)ZL 201711061538.3,授权公告日20200908日;授权公告号:CN 107868199 B

14邱永福;程志毓;常学义;范洪波;刘远全 “基于单壁碳纳米管氧化铋聚吡咯复合材料的超级电容器”专利号(授权号)ZL 201811607877.1,授权公告日20201103日;授权公告号:CN 109741961 B






