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2024/05/14 15:50:07人浏览



张健超,男,工程力学博士,太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐讲师。主要进行水泥基材料的内部裂缝、面(体)应变断裂性能演化过程及水泥水化过程的研究熟练使用 X 射线计算机断层扫描(XCT)、数字图像相关(DIC)、数字体相关(DVC)、电化学阻抗谱仪(EIS)、无电极电阻仪(CCR)、Avizo等仪器和软件。以第一作者、核心作者身份一共发表论文 23 ,其中20篇发表在本领域top 期刊上(JCR 一区) 1 篇国际著名会议论文两篇中文论文专利 9 项(5 项发明专利 4 项实用新型专利)












1.国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:轻质自密实混凝土初始裂缝受载作用机制与演化规律研究,(No. 52408243),项目负责人/在研。







1.  Jianchao Zhang, Chuan Kuang, Zheming Liu, Chen Lin, Ke Wang, Shuxian Hong, Biqin Dong, Dongshuai Hou, Laibao  Liu, Feng Xing*.  Evolutionary trace for  ductile fracture performance of rubber-cement composites. Cement and Concrete CompositesJCR一区,中科院一区), 2021, 121: 104080.

2.  Jianchao Zhang, Yu Zheng, Shuxian Hong, Feng Xing, Biqin Dong. Investigation of size-independent fracture energy of cementitious materials by quantifying the deformation energy. Journal of Building EngineeringJCR一区,中科院二区), 2023, 76: 107299. WOS:001038210000001

3.  Jianchao Zhang, Fan Zheng, Zheming Liu, Shuxian Hong, Biqin  Dong, Feng  Xing. Nondestructive monitoring on hydration behavior of cement pastes via the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy method. MeasurementJCR一区,中科院二区), 2021, 185: 109884.

4.  Jianchao Zhang, Chen Lin, Biqin Dong, Luping Tang, Shuxian Hong. Inverse modeling deduction of pore distribution in cement materials from capillary absorption features. Cement and Concrete CompositesJCR一区,中科院一区), 2020, 109: 103557.

5.  Jianchao Zhang, Biqin Dong, Shuxian Hong, Xiaojuan Teng, Gui Li, Weiwen Li, Luping Tang, Feng Xing. Investigating the influence of fly ash on the hydration behavior of cement using an electrochemical method. Construction and Building MaterialsJCR一区,中科院一区), 2019. 222: 41-48.

6.  Shuxian Hong, JianchaoZhang, Hui Liang, Jindong Xiao, Chuangyi Huang, Guangde Wang, Heng Hu, Yuqing Liu, Ying Xu, Feng Xing, Biqin Dong. Investigation on early hydration features  of magnesium potassium phosphate  cementitious material with the  electrodeless resistivity method. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2018, 90: 235–240.

7.  Biqin Dong, Jianchao Zhang, Yuqing Liu, Guohao Fang, Zhu Ding, Feng Xing. Tracing hydration feature of aluminophosphate cementitious materials by means of electrochemical impedance method. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 113: 997- 1006.

8.  Biqin  Dong, Jianchao Zhang, Yanshui  Wang, Guohao  Fang, Yuqing  Liu, Feng  Xing. Evolutionary trace for early hydration of cement paste using electrical resistivity method. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 119:16-20.

9.  Biqin Dong, Guohao Fang, Yuqing Liu, Peng Dong, Jianchao Zhang, Feng Xing, Shuxian Hong.  Monitoring reinforcement  corrosion and corrosion-induced cracking by X-ray microcomputed tomography method. Cement and Concrete Research, 2017, 100: 311-321.

10.  Shuxian Hong, Peng Liu, Jianchao Zhang, Feng Xing, Biqin Dong. Visual & quantitative identification of cracking in mortar subjected to loads using X-ray computed tomography method. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2019, 100: 15–24.

11.  Biqin Dong, Guohao Fang, Yanshuai Wang, Yuqing Liu, Shuxian Hong, Jianchao Zhang, Shangmin Lin, Feng Xing. Performance recovery concerning the permeability of concrete by means of a microcapsule based self-healing system. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2017, 78: 84-96.

12.  Shuxian Hong, Chuan Kuang, Jianchao Zhang, Dongshuai Hou, Jinrui Zhang, Laibao Liu, BiqinDong. Visual analysis  for microscopic cracking propagation of rubberized concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 265: 120599.

13.  Shuxian Hong, Peng Liu, Jianchao Zhang, Chuan Kuang, Biqin Dong, Qiling Luo, Wei Liu. Interior fracture analysis of rubber-cement composites based on X-ray computed tomography and digital volume correlation. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 259: 119833.

14.  Biqin Dong, Yusheng Wu, Xiaojuan Teng, Zhaotao Zhuang, Zhentao Gu, Jianchao Zhang, Feng Xing, Shuxian Hong. Investigation of the Cl- migration behavior of cement materials blended with fly ash or/and slag via the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy method. Construction and Building Materials, 2019. 211: 261-270.

15.  Guohao Fang, Weijian Ding, Yuqing Liu, Jianchao Zhang, Feng  Xing, Biqin  Dong. Identification of corrosion products and 3D distribution in reinforced concrete using X-ray micro computed tomography. Construction and Building Materials, 2019. 207: 304-315.

16.  Guohao Fang, Yuqing Liu, Shaofeng Qin, Weijian Ding, Jianchao Zhang, Shuxian Hong, Feng Xing, Biqin    Dong. Visualized   tracing    of   crack    self-healing    features in cement/microcapsule  system with  X-ray  microcomputed tomography. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 179: 336–347.

17.  Biqin   Dong, Gui   Li, Jianchao Zhang, Yuqing   Liu, Feng   Xing, Shuxian   Hong. Non-destructive tracing on hydration feature of slag blended cement with electrochemical method. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 149:467-473.

18.  Biqin Dong, Guohao Fang, Weijian Ding, Yuqing Liu, Jianchao Zhang, Ningxu Han, Feng Xing. Self-healing features in cementitious   material   with urea–formaldehyde/epoxy microcapsules. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 106: 608-617.

19.  Biqin  Dong, Lve  Yang, Qingyun  Yuan, Yuqing  Liu, Jianchao Zhang, Guohao  Fang, Yanshuai Wang, Yinghuan Yan, Feng Xing. Characterization and evaluation of the surface free energy for  cementitious  materials.  Construction  and  Building  Materials, 2016, 110: 163- 168.

20.  Jianchao Zhang, Chi Chen, Yangyang Ye, Feng Xing, Biqin Dong. Releasing Behavior of Chloride Ions in Marine Sands under Cement Environment. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 602-604: 1021- 1027.

21.  张健超, 彭少成, 匡川, 翁建武, 董必钦, 洪舒贤, 邢锋. 原位加载下橡胶混凝土断裂的 可视化和量化分析.  深圳大学学报理工版, 2021, 38(2): 144– 150.

22.  张健超, 翁建武, 匡川, 彭少成, 董必钦, 洪舒贤, 邢锋. 三点抗折下纤维混凝土加载过程的体应变研究. 深圳大学学报理工版, 2021, 38(6): 664–669.


1.  董必钦邢锋张健超陈立袁伟鹏尹远王琰帅一种用于混凝土性能成像监测 的模具实用新型专利 专利号201320551188.X

2.  董必钦邢锋张健超徐伟伟邹佳伟徐亚冲陈林鸿洪梓煜吕洋波颜肃 吴林桂一种混凝土中氯离子浓度快速测试的方法和试纸 发明专利专利号 201410325482.8

3.  董必钦,邢锋, 张健超, 房国豪,刘昱清,曹益, 分离式 HOPKINSON 压杆实验的试 样模具实用新型专利 专利号:201520458510.3

4.  董必钦邢锋 张健超, 曹益, 房国豪, 刘昱清, 一种分离式 HOPKINSON 压杆实验 的试样模具实用新型专利专利号201520456528.7

5.  董必钦邢锋 袁伟鹏 尹远 陈立邱启文房国豪 徐伟伟 张健超 王琰帅 种水泥基材料硫酸根侵蚀深度测试方法发明专利专利号 201310693920.1

6.  董必钦邢锋邱启文向家琪黄灿杰袁伟鹏房国豪张健超徐伟伟王琰帅 一种水泥基材料碳化深度测试方法发明专利专利号 201310687973.2

7.  董必钦邢锋 袁伟鹏 尹远 陈立邱启文张健超 徐伟伟 房国豪 王琰帅 种水泥基材料氯离子渗透深度测试方法发明专利专利号 201310687946.5

8.  董必钦刘昱清邢锋 房国豪张健超徐伟伟林立陈岸伦袁斯鸿一种钢筋 混凝土结构应力原位在线监测方法发明专利专利号 201410161590.6

9.  董必钦邢锋杨略陈镇鸿房国豪张健超徐伟伟王琰帅一种水泥基材料接 触角和表面能的测量方法发明专利专利号201410091441.7






